A Day at VIPA – Our business students learn from a leader in the global recycling and recovered material trading sectors
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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A Day at VIPA – Our business students learn from a leader in the global recycling and recovered material trading sectors

A group of first-year students from the Business Administration and Economics Department visited the Thessaloniki offices of Vipa Group, a global leader in trading and recycling. The interactive sessions with Vipa Hellas S.A's team allowed students to delve into the intricacies of managing a successful global recycling business, fostering lively discussions and critical thinking touching also on trade finance with the unique contributions of Josué Ponzo and Kosmas Kentrotis. Renowned for its pioneering work in the recycling industry, VIPA Group stands as a vivid example of how sustainable practices can be seamlessly integrated into the core of a successful business This experience has immensely enriched the students' understanding of sustainable business practices in the global market.

A Day at VIPA

The visit provided an invaluable experience, bridging the gap between academic theories of management and their practical application in a leading, environmentally-conscious corporation. This event was a significant part of the Principles of Management module led by Dr Giovanni Oscar Serafini, designed to bridge classroom learning with real-world business insights.

A Day at VIPAA Day at VIPA

Special thanks go to the amazing People Operations Team led by Theodoros Panagiotopoulos, with Anastasia Athanasiadou and Dimitra Karathanasi offering a thorough presentation of the company and providing memorable hospitality!

A Day at VIPAA Day at VIPA


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