Seminar on Successful Career Development in Sofia
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Seminar on Successful Career Development in Sofia

‘Successful Career Development’ was the topic of the seminar that took place successfully in Sofia on 8 October 2015. The event took place in the frame of a series of MBA classes, aiming at providing mentoring and inspiration to young people from Bulgaria.

Seminar on Successful Career Development in Sofia

Mr Nikos Lambridis, Senior Leadership Coach and Lecturer of Organisational Behaviour and Leadership at our Executive MBA programme delivered an insightful presentation entitled: ‘Coach Your Career to the Top’ providing participants with useful information on how to accelerate their career. Ms Anelia Dimitrova, Manager of the HR company, Katro Bulgaria’, who was among the finalists of the ‘Next Generation 2015’ competition, also talked about her personal way to success.

Seminar on Successful Career Development in Sofia

During the seminar participants had the opportunity to be informed about the Executive MBA programme, which from this year and on will be also offered in Bulgaria, making Sofia the sixth destination for our MBA.

Participants discussed with the speakers their personal career development and the ways of achieving their dream job and salary. The event was co-organised by the International Faculty, CITY College and

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