Young Researchers’ Days
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Young Researchers’ Days

Final Programme

Thursday 19/5/2016

Literature skills search workshop – Mr Pavlidis, Mr Solomon, and Mr Pappas
Venue: Lab Thalis and Multipurpose Room
Audience: BSc, MSc, 1st year of PhD – preregistration required

The aim of this workshop is to introduce students to the skills that they have to develop in order to search effectively for sources to inform their final year project, dissertation or thesis. There will be extensive discussion on keywords and effective search techniques that the students will have the opportunity to practice working in the lab in small groups. They will then present some key papers and literature search strategy to the other groups and receive instant feedback.

Career Day

Departmental Research highlights –
Dr Chrysochoou, Dr Eleftherakis, Dr Gkasis, and Dr Tatsioka
Venue: Auditorium
Audience: BSc, MSc, PhD students and staff


Friday 20/5/2016

Registration-Welcome to Student Spring Symposium (SSS)

Challenges of doing and supervising research (round Table discussion)
Audience: BSc, MSc, PhD students and staff

13:00 – 14:45
Plenary session 1

15:00 – 16:00
Meet our PhD students
(presentations by PhD students)
Venue: Auditorium
Audience: BSc, MSc, PhD students and staff

Plenary session 2

Plenary session 3


Saturday 21/5/2016

Research Skills in Practice

Methodology workshop
– Dr Samarinas
Venue: Multipurpose Room
Audience: priority given to PhD students and suitable for BSc and MSc students – preregistration required (max 30 attendants)

This workshop aims to introduce participants to the rationale underlying the structuring of an effective and robust methodology. The workshop will discuss the fundamentals of research design and present the basic tools to overcome potential research challenges. Participants will engage in small group discussion and practice their comprehension of the research methodology framework through practical applications and research cases assessment.


Hands on statistics workshop
– Mr. Golitsis
Venue: Lab Ethra
Audience: priority given to PhD students and suitable for BSc and MSc students – preregistration required (max 30 attendants)

This seminar provides an understanding of the basic statistical methods and econometrics required for research purposes. The short seminar introduces participants to the assumptions, concepts and techniques used by statisticians and econometricians. This seminar focuses on descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, regression analysis and testing the key assumptions of the CLRM.


How to publish a paper workshop
– Prof Kefalas
Venue: Auditorium
Audience: priority given to PhD students and suitable for BSc and MSc students – preregistration required (max 30 attendants)

During the pursue for a higher degree, students often face the challenge to publish their work in workshops, conferences and journals. The aim of this workshop is to discuss tips on how UG, PGT students and PhD candidates can be successful on publishing papers. The workshop will not be discipline specific but will focus on issues that an inexperienced researcher tend to neglect, such as suitability of work to fora, scientific context, contribution and self-evaluation, clarity, structure, presentation, guidelines, to name a few. During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to act as reviewers of scientific papers and use specific criteria to assess already published work.


PhD students should arrange to meet with their supervisors during these three days.

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