Workshop on 'Digital Literacy' co-organised by the English Studies Department and the Hellenic Association for American Studies
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Workshop on 'Digital Literacy' co-organised by the English Studies Department and the Hellenic Association for American Studies

On Saturday May 14th, our English Studies Department, the Hellenic Association for American Studies (HELAAS) and the Multimodal Group (School of English, AUTH) joined forces and delivered a Workshop on “Digital Literacy in the Humanities: Media Explorations and Creativity in Education.” The event was addressed to undergraduate students of the English Studies Department, who actively participated in it with great enthusiasm.

On Saturday May 14th, our English Studies Department, the Hellenic Association for American Studies (HELAAS) and the Multimodal Group (School of English, AUTH) joined forces and delivered a Workshop on “Digital Literacy in the Humanities: Media Explorations and Creativity in Education.”

The four speakers of the event were Dr. Tatiani G. Rapatzikou (Assistant Professor at the Department of American Literature, School of English, Aristotle University, and President of HELAAS), Dr. Despoina N. Feleki, Ms. Katerina Marazi, and Mr. Thomas Mantzaris.

The four speakers of the event were Dr. Tatiani G. Rapatzikou (Assistant Professor at the Department of American Literature, School of English, Aristotle University, and President of HELAAS), Dr. Despoina N. Feleki, Ms. Katerina Marazi, and Mr. Thomas Mantzaris.

The objectives of the workshop were to introduce students to certain key terms and issues pertaining to media and identity, visual narratives, print and digital convergence, transmedia, and participatory culture, and well as to practically engage them with a wide range of activities, involving physical and online material.

Workshop on 'Digital Literacy' co-organised by the English Studies Department and the Hellenic Association for American StudiesWorkshop on 'Digital Literacy' co-organised by the English Studies Department and the Hellenic Association for American Studies

Workshop on 'Digital Literacy' co-organised by the English Studies Department and the Hellenic Association for American Studies

Through this workshop, students were exposed to further directions of intellectual inquiry, broadening their research awareness and horizons, and enhancing their critical thinking skills.

Workshop on 'Digital Literacy' co-organised by the English Studies Department and the Hellenic Association for American StudiesWorkshop on 'Digital Literacy' co-organised by the English Studies Department and the Hellenic Association for American Studies

This Workshop marked the beginning of the collaboration between the English Studies Department and the Hellenic Association for American Studies, which undoubtedly opens up opportunities for student, academic and professional development in the future.


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