ELT Methodology Seminar: 'The CLIL Method: From Europe to Greece'
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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ELT Methodology Seminar: 'The CLIL Method: From Europe to Greece'

It is with a dynamic, warm and thankful feeling that the English Studies Department initiated their first “ELT Methodology for All” series of Seminars for the 2016-2017 academic year. Students, staff members and visitors were fortunate to hear and learn about “The CLIL Method: From Europe to Greece” from Dr. Marina Mattheoudakis, Associate Professor of the Dept. of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

CITY College students, staff members and visitors were fortunate to hear and learn about “The CLIL Method: From Europe to Greece” from Dr. Marina Mattheoudakis

Participants, who were able to attend the event either on the College premises or via live-streaming, were introduced to the CLIL Method (Content and Language Integrated Teaching). CLIL is an educational approach, inspired by the Canadian Immersion model of education, proposed and eventually adopted by Member States in Europe seeking to improve the European educational policy in general. Highly versatile and flexible, CLIL shifts away from traditional methods of teaching foreign languages, and poses as a significant alternative to stagnant teaching/learning methods.

CITY College students, staff members and visitors were fortunate to hear and learn about “The CLIL Method: From Europe to Greece” from Dr. Marina Mattheoudakis

In light of the 8 key competences for Lifelong Learning of the European Framework, CLIL caters to the 4 Cs (Content; Cognition; Communication; Culture) every European must have in order to be a valuable, well-rounded individual and citizen of the world. As Dr. Mattheoudakis emphasised, recent research has demonstrated the multiple benefits which accompany the implementation of the CLIL method: the development of bilingualism within school education; the development of children’s cognitive skills; and the use and awareness of academic language early on.

The CLIL method was first implemented in Greece in 2010 and more specifically in Thessaloniki in the 3rd Primary School of Evosmos–Experimental School. Under the direction and supervision of Dr. Marina Mattheoudakis, Dr. Thomai Alexiou and Ms Chryssa Laskaridou and with the collaboration and support of state school teachers and advisory directors, the Municipality of Thessaloniki, and the Ministry of Education, the CLIL method has lead to impressive results over the past six years. School subjects, such as History/Mythology, Physics, Arts, and Physical Education were taught exclusively in English and the use of CLIL led to student engagement, stimulation, active and autonomous learning but also full immersion.

CITY College students, staff members and visitors were fortunate to hear and learn about “The CLIL Method: From Europe to Greece” from Dr. Marina Mattheoudakis

During the presentation, sample videos posed as testimony to all the informative and impressive aspects Dr. Mattheoudakis so readily, clearly and enthusiastically presented about the CLIL method.  It goes without saying that the CLIL method provides a solution to a language-centered versus subject-centered teaching dilemma. Due to its high potential, it can be viewed as an ideal method for teaching English, foreign languages and all matters of other subjects, enhance student skills, as well as equip educators and learners with the necessary tools to foster and enhance life-long learning and a love towards education.

CITY College students, staff members and visitors were fortunate to hear and learn about “The CLIL Method: From Europe to Greece” from Dr. Marina Mattheoudakis

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