Event on Creative Writing by the English Studies Department
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Event on Creative Writing by the English Studies Department

With the Spring semester coming to an end, the English Studies Department was proud to host its final Personal and Professional Development seminar for the 2016-17 Academic year on Tuesday, 30th May, titled: Η Τέχνη της Γραφής: Εξομολογήσεις Τριών Συγγραφέων [Authors’ Insights to the Art and Craft of Writing] thus ending the event series in a creative and literary atmosphere.

The published authors and guest speakers that were invited are: Mr. Vassilis Moschis, Ms. Eva Pavlidou and Mr. Petros Golitsis who accepted our invitation to share their writing as well as publishing experiences. The event took the form of a panel, and was coordinated by Ms. Cathy Marazi, Lecturer in the English Studies Department.

Authors Insights to the Art and Craft of Writing: An Open Seminar offered by The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College English Studies Department

In the first part of the event, each author presented his/her writing experience and craft. Beginning with Mr. Vassilis Moschis, audience members were exposed to areas of fiction writing, story development, character development and the various pleasures but also difficulties that it entails. Mr Moschis confirmed that reading as much as possible is necessary, hard work and dedication is essential but, more importantly, knowing why one is writing–for the art of writing, or for “show”–will make all the difference.

Mr. Vassilis Moschis - Authors Insights to the Art and Craft of Writing: An Open Seminar offered by The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College English Studies Department Mr. Vassilis Moschis - Authors Insights to the Art and Craft of Writing: An Open Seminar offered by The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College English Studies Department

Ms. Eva Pavlidou introduced the art of poetry writing and how human emotions and experiences can be captured through this literary type. In a heartfelt, honest and revealing insight, Ms Pavlidou explained how poetry writing can even turn into an “addiction” assisting one in the matter of expression, self-reflection and self-healing. She herself characterized poetry as “yet another vital organ that can keep one alive” thus touching upon the magic that is poetry and that is literature. In spite of her difficult journey, Ms Pavlidou poses as a source of inspiration for those who are afraid to pursue the art and craft of writing.

Ms. Eva Pavlidou - Authors Insights to the Art and Craft of Writing: An Open Seminar offered by The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College English Studies Department Authors Insights to the Art and Craft of Writing: An Open Seminar offered by The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College English Studies Department

Last but not least, Mr. Petros Golitsis, Lecturer in the Business and Administration Department, presented his extensive literary background and brought the matter of publishing–publication houses and journals–to the fore. Gracing us with some extracts from his published poems, he then proceeded to give an overview of his publication journey, how difficult and strenuous it may be, but also where it can take an author and how it can spread one’s voice and ideas to other countries and other cultures.

Mr. Petros Golitsis - Authors Insights to the Art and Craft of Writing: An Open Seminar offered by The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College English Studies Department Mr. Petros Golitsis - Authors Insights to the Art and Craft of Writing: An Open Seminar offered by The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College English Studies Department

In the second part of the event an interesting discussion followed, which made evident that one’s interests and passions need not be limited. Depending on one’s preferences, exposure and background, styles of writing may differ, genre choices vary and the actual writing process may ultimately be a long, lonely road or one filled with adventure and revelations.

Authors Insights to the Art and Craft of Writing: An Open Seminar offered by The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College English Studies Department

The Head of the English Studies Department, Dr. Paschalia Patsala, thanked both authors and audience members for their insights, their questions, as well as the fruitful exchange that followed. Though classes are almost over and the exam period is looming, this event was a great opportunity to consider sources of inspiration and creativity once study obligations have come to end. What is more, the event opened prospective doors of inquiry for those either interested in reading and even engaging in the art and craft of writing.



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Event on Creative Writing by the English Studies Department



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