Entrepreneurs Talk 2017
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Entrepreneurs Talk 2017

Presentations of successful startups for our business students

On Friday 20th of October 2017 four inspirational entrepreneurs participated as guest speakers in the ‘Entrepreneurs Talk 2017’ event that took place for a second year in a row at our main campus in Thessaloniki, as part of the unit “Entrepreneurship and Small Business”.

Entrepreneurs Talk 2017

Several start-ups presented their ideas, talked about the implementation of their business plan, shared their success stories and failures. The event kicked off with the presentation of ‘Athleda’, a networking platform for basketball players and scouts / coaches, by founder Lazaros Papadopoulos, a famous Greek basketball European Champion. ‘Social Green’ with Dimitris Ntempos gave insight to the reasons that lead to a dramatic failure for this very interesting project, related to recycling. ‘Movinn’ was represented by CEO Theoklis Tsirakidis. ‘Movinn’ provides excursions and rides opportunities at low prices. Finally, ‘GOODVIDIO’ was the last presentation, with founder Dimitris Kourtesis. This startup was founded by two alumni of the International Faculty CITY College who developed a tool that enables companies to promote their products (e-shops) through YouTube videos. There was plenty of time for Q&A at the end of all presentations.

Entrepreneurs Talk 2017

Students benefited from the opportunity they had to hear first-hand information, to meet the people behind successful startups and connect their academic knowledge with the everyday life of actually running a startup.

Entrepreneurs Talk 2017

The event was organised by our Career, Employability and Enterprise Centre and comes in alignment with the Centre’s core mission to bring our students and academia closer to the industry.

Entrepreneurs Talk 2017

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