Our Students’ Union (CSU) spread awareness on World AIDS Day
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Our Students’ Union (CSU) spread awareness on World AIDS Day

For another consecutive year our Students’ Union (CSU) successfully organised an activity aiming at raising awareness on AIDS and HIV on the World’s AIDS Day. The scope of the initiative was to support the cause, educate and disseminate updated information about HIV prevention, care and treatment.

The International Faculty CITY College Students' Union successfully organised an activity aiming at raising awareness on AIDS and HIV on the World’s AIDS Day

During the day, information stands were set up in the main campus of the International Faculty, CITY College in Thessaloniki. Our CSU put the message across that protection is the key in stopping the transmission of the disease. Students and staff who visited the stand, picked up their red ribbon to join the cause. HIV information flyers and condoms where also available at the stands.

CSU spread awareness on World AIDS Day

The initiative was warmly welcomed by the International Faculty’s community.

CSU spread awareness on World AIDS Day

CSU spread awareness on World AIDS Day

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