The International Faculty completes training programme for refugees on Translation and Interpreting in cooperation with Terre des Hommes
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The International Faculty completes training programme for refugees on Translation and Interpreting in cooperation with Terre des Hommes

In the spirit of its commitment to Public Engagement and its profile as a socially responsible institution, the International Faculty of the University of Sheffield proudly participated in a global effort, initiated by the international NGO Terre des Hommes (TdH), to provide educational opportunities to refugees around the world. 

The International Faculty CITY College successfully completed a training programme on Translation and Interpreting for refugees in cooperation with NGO, Terres des hommes

As part of that effort, last Thursday (February 1st, 2018) marked the completion of a 25-hour training programme in “Translation and Interpreting” for refugees, through a ceremony for the awarding of Certificates to the beneficiaries.The course took place with the support of Swiss Solidarity and provided participants with the opportunity to enhance their skills while seeking integration into the labour market as Cultural Mediators.

Dr Paschalia Patsala, Head of the English Studies Dept. of the International Faculty and Mr Michalis Naris, Social Educator at Terre des hommes
Dr Paschalia Patsala, Head of the English Studies Dept. of the International Faculty and Mr Michalis Naris, Social Educator at Terre des hommes

The two-month training course was specifically designed and offered by the English Studies Department of the International Faculty to 15 refugee participants over the age of twenty. The aim of this course was to sharpen the participants’ translation and interpreting skills, as many of them will seek to function as “cultural mediators”. The two ESD Lecturers, who delivered with great success the above teaching sessions, were Dr Kelly Pasmatzi and Dr Eleftheria Tsirakoglou

The International Faculty CITY College successfully completed a training programme on Translation and Interpreting for refugees in cooperation with NGO, Terres des hommesThe International Faculty CITY College successfully completed a training programme on Translation and Interpreting for refugees in cooperation with NGO, Terres des hommes

About Terre des hommes

Terre des hommes is the leading Swiss child relief agency committed to improving the lives of millions of the world's most vulnerable children.


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