Dr Szamosi delivers Training on ‘Getting the Top to Listen’
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Dr Szamosi delivers Training on ‘Getting the Top to Listen’

‘Getting the Top to Listen’ was the title of the particularly interesting Training Seminar delivered in Kyiv by Dr Leslie Szamosi, Academic Director of our Executive MBA programme. The seminar was addressed to members of the European Business Association (EBA) and took place on 30 March 2018 at the Management Development Centre of EBA.

Dr Szamosi delivers Training on ‘Getting the Top to Listen’

Dr Szamosi’s presentation was focused on guiding participants to get their voice heard and their ideas communicated to members of a company’s or organization’s top management.

"The idea may be great, but if it’s not communicated well, it won’t get any traction. Building buy-in ahead of time, finding the right medium for your message and impressing with unique visuals are the main principles that will help you persuade the top to get into your idea!", said Dr. Szamosi.

Training Seminar delivered in Kyiv by Dr Leslie Szamosi

During the training participants were asked to build a Business Case. This experiential activity undoubtedly helped participants learn how to address the management's concerns and provide comprehensive content.

The training was successful and presented a very innovative topic as reported by participating managers. The University of Sheffield International Faculty is ‘educational partner’ of EBA, one of Kyiv’s key business associations.


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