Risk Management Workshop at the MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Risk Management Workshop at the MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki

‘Risk Management: A way to avoid Crisis Management and Management of Losses’ was the title of the workshop led by Mr Athanasios Fourtounas, Economist and Director of Logistics in JLSG NATO (Italy), on 17th of April 2018 within the frame of the MBA Annual Study Week.

Mr Athanasios Fourtounas, Economist and Director of Logistics in JLSG NATO (Italy), led the Risk Management workshop within the frame of the Sheffield MBA Annual Study Week

During our workshop, participants were familiarised with all the processes of Risk Management during a project through a detailed and realistic scenario. Students first analysed their Project Charter and were then separated into teams to identify the stakeholders of the Project. The next step was the composition of a Risk Management Plan which was followed by the identification of opportunities and threats of the project.

Risk Management Workshop at the Sheffield MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki

Then, MBA participants discussed the analysis of the identified risks through Qualitative methods so as to prioritize Opportunities and Threats.

The workshop came to an end with the identification of risk responses and suggested ways monitoring our risks during the execution of the project.

The smiling faces at the end of the workshop were the evidence that objective was accomplished and knowledge was gained!

Risk Management Workshop at the Sheffield MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki

Mr Fourtounas commented: “The current business climate is increasingly uncertain and companies need their employees to be competent, efficient and knowledgeable when it comes to managing Opportunities and Threats. Every employee needs to ensure he or she is up-to-date on international standards and best practice required to effectively mitigate threats and capitalise on opportunities to save company’s time and money.”

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