English Studies Seminar: Writing for brands. A binding force between marketing and people.
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English Studies Seminar: Writing for brands. A binding force between marketing and people.

Tuesday, 21st May, 2019 signals the last Personal and Professional Development Seminar of the English Studies Department for the Academic Year 2018-2019. This final but far from last seminar introduced a prosperous and intriguing career avenue to the students of the English Studies Department. Our guest speaker, Ms Tania Minogianni, Senior Copywriter delivered a seminar titled: Writing for Brands: A binding force between marketing and people. What initially appeared as an introduction to the arena of copywriting turned out to be much more fruitful.

CITY College International Faculty English Studies Department is introduced to copywriting as a fruitful career prospect

Ms Minogianni immediately gained the audience’s attention by presenting a story about Ioannis Kapodistrias and how he changed the story of the potato – a product he introduced to Greek culture. His technique of showing how significant and valuable the potato was prompted the interest and curiosity of the public to the point where this product became and continues to be a staple in Greek cuisine. According to Ms Minogianni this change in the story of the potato is akin to branding. More specifically, according to Ms Minogianni: “A brand is a synthesis of all its communications, its operations, its locations, its people and products, its services, its reputation, its symbols, and in today’s digital arena it is also, the audiences’ comments about it. A brand is like a story!” And just like a story it requires people with imagination, creativity and a proficient grasp of language and techniques capable of telling and even showing that story.

What is, therefore, the role of a copywriter? Their role is to craft strategically-driven brand stories that trigger action. Copywriting is writing for conversion. This includes writing from the brand name to the larger scale of the brand platform. As Ms Minogianni informs, this can include advertising print, TV and radio spots, website content, outdoor billboards, brochures and flyers, advertorials, blog posts, newsletters, white papers, packaging copy and press releases. A copywriter’s tasks include: editing, social media updating, proofreading, training, ghost writing, speechwriting, interviewing, conducting SEO audits and keyword searches as well as voice direction, photo searches and video editing.

A copywriter’s credentials should include – but are not restricted to – a college degree in marketing, or liberal arts, or communication in addition to curiosity, a thirst for knowledge, critical thinking, empathy and listening skills, a love for language (reading and writing) as well as stamina and resilience both in order to see projects through but also so as to manage cases of rejection. In today’s society of the internet, social media and branding, copywriting can be pursued in various areas as a profession in itself or the skills required for it can prove necessary and beneficial in other occupations.

What does it take to make it as a copywriter? Generally speaking what most professions may require: determination, staying up-to-date with news, knowledge, and developments, writing, rewriting and reading a lot, as well as updating one’s training by attending events and seminars. With all this in mind, Ms Minogianni ended her presentation with the case study of Hospey, who sought an employment opportunity not by sending a traditional CV but by tweeting his potential future employer about a website he had created instead. What can we take away from this study in connection to Ms Minogianni’s presentation? To pursue a career in copywriting is to be authentic, be unique, to love reading and writing and to be knowledgeable, current with the times and creative.



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Personal & Professional Development Seminars 2019 by the University of Sheffield International Faculty's English Studies Dept


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