Competition with real-life IT projects for luxury hotels of Thessaloniki by our business students
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Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Competition with real-life IT projects for luxury hotels of Thessaloniki by our business students

  • Pecha Kucha presentations of creative posters by our second year business students who participated in the competition
  • Judging panel comprised of managers of two luxury hotels in Thessaloniki
  • Building employability skills while putting theory into practice
  • Connecting students to industry

For the fourth year in a row our business students presented real-life projects for two luxury hotels of Thessaloniki -the Lazart Hotel (5*) and the Caravan Hotel (3*) – in the context of a presentation Competition that took place at our main campus in Thessaloniki. The competition was organised by Dr Andrew Salisbury, leader of the unit ‘Decision making with IT’.

Competition with real-life IT projects for luxury hotels of Thessaloniki by CITY College business students

According to the brief of the project, students were asked to design a presentation, using the latest IT technology and provide cutting-edge information systems to enhance an already existing system or create a new one. Students were divided into 14 groups and worked systematically towards the completion of the project.

The judges, Ms Anastasia Kartsoni, Sales & Banquet Manager at Lazart Hotel and Mr. Alexandros Karapatoglou, Co-founder of the The Caravan Bed & Breakfast, were impressed by our students’ creativity, ideas and professional approach. Hotel managers were not only asked to judge the best pitched presentations but to give feedback based on their own experience, enabling students to get first-hand knowledge of hotel operations inside and out. 

Competition with real-life IT projects for luxury hotels of Thessaloniki by CITY College business students

The winning teams of the competition are as follows:

Winning teams

Andreou Galateia, Trikou Niki, Zachariadou Stavria
Kokkalis Dimitris, Sreten Iliev, Maslovarikj Jovan
Lykaki Aria,Maria eleni Giareni

Runner-up teams

Vazakas Pantelis, Chalaitsidis Theodoros
Dabovic Iva, Synodias Konstantinos

The winning teams were offered a private company visit - tour at Lazart & Caravan while the runner-up teams will enjoy a breakfast at the hotels.

All students received certificates for their work.

Activities like the poster competition are organised frequently within programme curriculums at CITY College aiming at building our students employability skills by offering them the opportunity to work for real clients on real-life case studies, move from theory to practice, as well as bring them closer to the industry.


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