Online talk: A relational approach of “Self” in our times of threat and isolation due to Covid-19
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Online talk: A relational approach of “Self” in our times of threat and isolation due to Covid-19

Online talk: A relational approach of “Self” in our times of threat and isolation due to Covid-19

(Τhis Psychology4All online talk will be in English)


A relational approach of “Self” in

our times of threat and isolation due to Covid-19

Friday, April 3

20.00 EET (Greek Time)


Whenever we say “me” or “I am” we immediately produce a “you” or a “you are”, like the word “cold” implies “hot” and “springtime” implies “fall”.

How this sense of being a unique “me” able to connect with a unique “you” is affected by the huge and sudden changes and threats in our covid-19 days?


About Mr. Petros Theodorou

Gestalt psychotherapist, active in Greece and in Europe, member of EAGT and accredited supervisor. External cooperator and trainer in educative and other programmes of various Institutes in Greece and in Europe. He works based on existential ideas and focuses much on the eros - love - sexual desire relationships.

Since 2006 he developed his approach “PSP-Process Stage Praxis” as a complementary tool (an adjunctive skill) with several application possibilities in and beyond psychotherapy, involving interactive body work.

He wrote 3 books and 2 of them are translated in English.


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