Practical seminar on CV making and interview preparation for the English Studies Department
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Practical seminar on CV making and interview preparation for the English Studies Department

The Director of Career, Employability & Enterprise Centre offered an online seminar on CV making and interview preparation to the students of the English Studies Department.

Mr Tsoulis gave tips on creating a succesful CV, what to include and what not. Also, the value of skills was discussed and how young people can work toward improving existing skills and developing new ones. Also, Mr Tsoulis shared advice and tips on how best to prepare for and handle an interview. There was vivid participation and lots of interesting questions on behalf of the students. The transition from offline to online is definitely successful and productive. The Career office delivers all its services online now and more seminars like this will follow.

Practical seminar on CV making and interview preparation for CITY College's English Studies Department

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