Webinar and Recording for all students: Strengthening Resilience in times of crises: how to utilize social and psychological resources
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Webinar and Recording for all students: Strengthening Resilience in times of crises: how to utilize social and psychological resources

Resources for well-being (for all students)


Webinar and Recording

"Strengthening Resilience in times of crises: how to utilize social and psychological resources"


Dr Suzie Savvidou
Department of Psychology
Dr Vassilis Chatzimpyros 
Academic Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Psychology


Watch the Webinar

(Αccessible only to staff and students)


Monday, May 4, 19:00-20:00



The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a number of risk factors leading to psychological issues such as stress disorders and depression. These issues are further affected by separation from family and friends and a disruption in our sense of belonging.

This seminar will focus on the importance of the sense of belonging to our mental and physical health with regard to the pandemic and other social and psychological factors that make some people more prone to anxiety and depression than some others. It will also provide some ideas for self-reflection and for activating mechanisms to manage the dysfunctional emotions as they are triggered by the lockdown and emotional/social isolation.


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