Open MBA Day in Yerevan
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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Open MBA Day in Yerevan

Open MBA Day in Yerevan

Friday, 25 June 2021
7:00 pm
Armenia Marriott Hotel | Ararat Hall, Yerevan

CITY College, University of York Europe Campus invites you to the presentation of its prestigious Dual Degree Executive MBA programme, the Pan-European Executive MBA offered in Yerevan and to an Open MBA seminar.


Presentation of the Pan-European Executive MBA

The Pan-European Executive MBA is offered in Yerevan by CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, jointly with the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Strasbourg. Upon its completion graduates are awarded two MBA degrees, one from a top British university, the University of York and one from a prestigious French University, the University of Strasbourg.

The Director of Pan-European Executive MBA programme, Prof. Leslie Szamosi will deliver the presentation and meet with prospective candidates.


Open MBA Seminar

How the pandemic affected the way we develop strategy. Strategic directions to the ‘new normal’

Seminar’s Overview:

The current pandemic has had a severe impact on most industries worldwide. Consumption has dropped significantly with adverse effects on turnover and profitability. In this seminar we will take a close look at how consumer habits have changed and analyze the strategic implications. At the same time we will address how business models should be reinvented, in order to reflect the Covid challenges and the new normal market conditions. As change is changing in an unprecedented pace, strategists need to rethink their positioning and strategic choices.

The seminar will be delivered by Mr Stelios Kehaghias, Associate Professor at the Pan – European Executive MBA.


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