Open MBA Seminar in Baku: "Gamification: The Contemporary Way to Engage Employees and Customers"
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Open MBA Seminar in Baku: "Gamification: The Contemporary Way to Engage Employees and Customers"

Mr. Chris Liasidis, Associate Professor at CITY College, University of York Europe Campus delivered an insightful Open MBA Seminar on Gamification on 23 September 2021 at the Hilton Baku Hotel.

Mr. Chris Liasidis, Associate Professor at CITY College, University of York Europe Campus delivered an insightful Open MBA Seminar on Gamification at the Hilton Baku Hotel

In his seminar entitled “Gamification: The Contemporary Way to Engage Employees and Customers” Mr. Liasidis explained how gamification is used by brands to motivate employees, create healthy competition among teams, generate buzz or social proof, and encourage customer loyalty, among other benefits. He also suggested that with a variety of techniques – some easy to implement, some requiring advanced planning, coding, or technical expertise – any business can use gamification to get better results, no matter what the goals.

Open MBA Seminar on Gamification by Mr Liasidis in Baku

The event attracted managers and entrepreneurs who had the opportunity to become acquainted with the concept of gamification and found Mr. Liasidis' presentation particularly inspiring.

Open MBA Seminar on Gamification by Mr Liasidis in Baku

A presentation of the Pan-European Executive MBA delivered in Baku also took place after the seminar.

The seminar was followed by a cocktail reception.




Open MBA Seminar in Baku- CITY College

"Gamification: The Contemporary Way to Engage Employees and Customers"

Thursday, 23 September 2021
Hilton Baku Hotel, Sevda Ballroom (2nd floor), 1B Azadlig avenue

Mr Chris Liasidis
Associate Professor
CITY College, University of York Europe Campus

Seminar Overview:
Gamification is used by brands to motivate employees, create healthy competition among teams, generate buzz or social proof, and encourage customer loyalty, among other benefits.
With a variety of techniques – some easy to implement, some requiring advanced planning, coding, or technical expertise – any business can use gamification to get better results and strengthen its Employer Brand Strategy, no matter what the goals are.

The seminar will be followed by a cocktail reception.

Who should attend
This seminar is addressed to middle and top management executives.

Presentation of the Pan-European Executive MBA programme
In the frame of the Open Seminar, participants will have the opportunity to attend a short presentation of  the Pan-European Executive MBA programme, a prestigious MBA programme that leads to two MBA degrees awarded by the University of York, UK and the University of Strasbourg, France. 

The Pan-European Executive MBA will be launched in Baku in October 2021 by CITY College, University of York Europe Campus.

Prof. Leslie Szamosi presents the Pan-European Executive MBA


There will be limited number of places. To book your place please contact in advance our Country Manager in Baku, Ms. Nigar Hajiyeva at 055 909 37 88 or at or click on the registration form button below.

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Important note! 
Participants should hold a vaccination certificate to enter the hotel.


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